First, I should say that I am a proponent of text mode development. There are several advantages to working without a GUI. The most important, in my opinion, are that:
- From a computer with only a simple ssh client, such as PuTTy, one can log into a machine remotely and get work done.
- There is less to configuration involved with text mode in comparison to running with the X server. This makes for easier configuration, fewer things to go wrong, and less overhead.
- Frequently during OS upgrades or fresh OS installs, one will run into problems with the X server. To fix these problems, being able to work without the GUI is a very useful tool.
- You may want to run a machine without a display connected to it for some reason (displays cost money, they take up space, etc.). If you know how to run in text mode, you can connect to the machine remotely over a network without a display.
1. vim
For editing human-readable files in text mode, I generally use vim. I just happened to get exposed to vim before emacs, so this is what I've gotten used to. There are many tutorials online with using vim. Although learning the commands can take some time, once one gets used to using it, vim becomes an efficient way of editing files. I actually prefer it to other editors with GUIs. I find that this principle is true of many command-line tools, such as LaTeX and others. Although the learning processing may take a long time, once one is acclimated to the tool, he will prefer it to the more "user-friendly" alternatives. Vim is available in Ubuntu in the package "vim".
2. byobu
The next tool is byobu. This is a wrapper around the program "screen." Screen allows the user to maintain persistent sessions on a remote machine. So, when the connection is lost due to the client machine crashing or the network going down, the user's programs on the server continue to run, and the session can be resumed from where the user left off. Byobu simply adds some bells and whistles to screen. It shows various indicators of system metrics, as well as nice interface for managing multiple sessions at a time. Byobu is especially useful when running long simulations. If the connection gets lost or you need to reboot the client machine, you can leave the simulation running. Multiple sessions are also useful for editing multiple files at a time. Byobu is available in Ubuntu in the package "byobu".
3. ctags
When editing code in a large project (which is a frequent task when working with and extending open source simulators), it is common that one needs to jump to the implementation of a function from the location at which it is being called. The ctags tool allows for this, even when the implementation is in another file. There is even a stack of files maintained, so one can jump to the implementation from the function call, and then jump back to the calling location later. I am new to this tool, so I have run into a couple of annoyances with ctags. For example, if a class is a subclass that inherits functions from another class, ctags can get confused about where to jump to. There may be a simple solution to this, but I am still learning. Even with these issues, navigating code with ctags is unspeakably easier than without it. Ctags is available in Ubuntu in the package "ctags". Ctags is simple to use. Here is a tutorial.
4. omnicpp
After getting exposure to "Intellisense" in Microsoft's Visual Studio, I was almost inclined to say that I preferred code development in VS over Linux. Intellisense gives the programmer a list of the members of a class after typing the name of an object that is an instance of that class. Well, I recently came across the tool "omnicpp," which provides this functionality in vim in text mode! I am new to this tool, so I can't comment extensively on how well it works. But from my initial exposure, I am very pleased. It is available for download at here. Installation instructions are available here.
Note that I have recently started tinkering a bit with KDevelop, a GUI-based IDE for Linux. It is worth mentioning here that code completion is available in KDevelop, and instructions for using it are available here and here. Although I am not totally opposed to using a GUI for development, I think that text mode development is an indispensable tool, while GUI-based development is not.